


共和党和民主公约完成。共和党被提名人乔治W.布什谈到私有化社会保障,税收,医疗保险和高级公民的处方药益处。民主党候选人戈尔谈到拯救社会保障,减税,医疗保险和处方药福利高龄。\美国的n该青年被轻率地忽略了。候选人应该是争抢的,以确保X.摇票的投票,投票自1990年以来一直在尝试,让美国二十多个人登记并使用他们的投票机会使政府为他们工作。可是,我似乎已经歪可怕。\ n比“65岁以上”组的投票率不到一半的“35岁以下”年龄段的帖子。而“25岁以下”组具有所有的最低投票率。只有在这个支架的合格选民的32%出现在选举日投票,根据圣路易斯邮报。\ n这是什么意思为我们?这意味着,今年考生绝大多数是集中精力于他们认为实际上是在投票亭“的‘65岁以上’人群的人。巧合的是,这是谁已经造成如此丰厚双方活动的公民。\ nBush和戈尔说,他们是支持的面向年轻人的问题,如教育经费和学生贷款上大学。但是,美国的年轻人没有跳出几把椅子,并抢着投票箱。 In fact, the most prominent role that younger Americans played during the recent conventions was that of the protester ' violent and otherwise.\nOn the surface, Gore has tried positioning his daughters, especially Karenna Gore Schiff, to appeal to the younger generation. They recently appeared on the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and on MTV. But, according to the Los Angeles Times, when a delegation of politically oriented high school and college students from Los Angeles tried to secure permission to attend the Democratic convention at the Staples Center, they were handed 10 passes. For 200 students. The 80 who shared those passes were allowed to stay only 15 minutes each, the Times reported. \nIn a separate incident, the Times reported that reporters from the Associated Student Press were denied interviews with Schiff at the convention, because, according to an aide, she doesn't do events with those not of voting age.\nTalk about turning youth off to politics. These students are probably so disillusioned they won't feel a need to vote for quite some time.\nThe parties are trying a few tactics to market themselves to the youth of America. George P. Bush has been on the circuit, working to secure for his uncle the important Hispanic vote, and the vote of (primarily female) youth. Meanwhile, both conventions featured WWF's The Rock. Yet these tactics don't seem to be energizing youth to get involved with politics.\nThe upside of what is becoming of American youth is that, although they are voting less, they are volunteering more. According to a study in USA Today, involvement in community service is on the rise among our age group. It could be that this is how the next generation, feeling left out of the political process, will make a difference. \nCandidates, for president and otherwise, could easily take advantage of this commitment to the community and reach out to youth by addressing the issues with which we are concerned. \nThey haven't yet. We hope they will.


