

一名校方官员表示,该校信息技术服务中心一直在加班加点地工作,以纠正上周许多住在宿舍的学生遇到的电脑问题。UITS教学和学习信息技术主管苏·沃克曼说,问题来自一个很容易纠正的服务器错误和一位住户的电脑问题。沃克曼说,nUITS在3月份接管了宿舍楼的技术资源。此前,该网络是由住宅项目和服务部门运营的。她说,nUITS正在将大厅的网络连接改为“交换机网络”,这将使连接速度更快。交换网络也能提供更多的安全保障。她说,还有四个大厅尚未升级。到目前为止,UITS在宿舍遇到的问题都不是制造商已经知道的服务器故障。她说,他们能够通过重新启动DHCP服务器来解决这个问题,DHCP服务器为各个服务器分配IP地址,这样它们就可以连接到网络上。\一台计算机需要nIP地址才能与网络上和世界各地的其他计算机进行通信。她说:“一旦服务器重新启动,这个问题似乎就解决了。”然而,最关键的原因是学生拥有的一台电脑出现了罕见的硬件异常。当计算机连接到网络时,这种异常引起了不良的网络反应。她说,这给许多试图联系的居民带来了问题。沃克曼说,很大一部分问题在于人们花了很长时间才发现发生了什么,并破译了所经历的各种冲突的组合。沃克曼说:“它掩盖了自己,我们花了更长的时间才发现到底发生了什么。”沃克曼说,大多数学生连接网络没有问题。 Many students did experience delays in network access because the new DHCP server was swamped with many a network connection requests.\n"Since most people are logging on during the first week and most freshmen have never experienced an Ethernet-like connection, I would imagine the network would be slow," said senior Jason Dudich, Residence Halls Association president.\nFor those who experienced difficulty, UITS-trained consultants were able to assist them over the phone, by e-mail or, when necessary, by a service visit to the student's dorm room, Workman said. \nSophomore Sara Gaulke, a resident of Read Center, said she experienced problems connecting to the network, but was unable to get to UITS to fix it in time.\n"I called on Monday to get help, and then I called Tuesday and Wednesday," Gaulke said. "Someone helped me fix my problem on Thursday, although the guy was not from UITS. A guy from UITS came on Sunday, (but) my problem was already fixed."\nErin Somers, a freshman living in McNutt Quad, said she had several problems connecting her computer to the network. Within a couple of days, she said, a UITS worker solved the problem and had the computer working by Friday after an hour of work.\n"I couldn't get the right IP address," Somers said. \nMost students had their in-room network connections working properly by the first day of classes, Workman said. For those students still not connected, Workman said UITS is working to solve as many problems as possible.\n"As with any new service, fine-tuning in real-world circumstances is required," Workman said.\nShe said she was pleased by the number of students who did get their connections working without any problems.\n"I'm pleased that the majority of students were able to simply plug in their computer and get quick network access with the assistance of the special UITS network configuration CD which automated the network configuration process," Workman said. \nTerry Usrey, UITS director of data telecommunications, said not all the problems experienced during the first week were under UITS control, causing certain halls longer delays than others.\n"Other than delays we might expect from the sheer number of network connection requests, a convergence of other small problems, some out of UITS control, resulted in some unfortunate and frustrating delays in students getting connected during move-in," Usrey said. "Fortunately, these issues were resolved by the start of classes when being connected is a must for students engaged in their academic work"


