

我的一个好朋友今年在布里斯科做住院助理。当我们本周聊起我们的暑假时,我问她为什么决定成为一名助教,尤其是在布里斯科。这没有错,但我很惊讶,因为她似乎更注重学术。在她的头两年,她住在阿什顿中心的荣誉区。看来她别无选择。她被安置在布里斯科,但这一年她很兴奋,至少是一直如此。她对她在一楼的会议感到沮丧,因为她觉得她一直在说教,有点刻薄。作为一个男女同校的学生,她的责任广泛,时间投入也很高。尽管如此,她还是对即将开始的这个学期很感兴趣。直到一名地板使用者问他们可以去哪里“抽烟”。另一个令人沮丧的问题来自一名楼层居民,她问如果她“喝醉了”回家会发生什么。 \nBeing asked these questions came as a shock to her because she had expected her floor members to, at least, keep quiet about those activities. But the other shock came from knowing that the students didn't even think twice about these illegal activities.\nIf I were the RA, my answer to the "smoke up" question would have been "Jail!" No one is above the law, and sooner or later many people are caught, or at least it catches up to them. Whether I or anyone else in the world condones marijuana use is irrelevant. Though I personally believe it not to cause any permanent physical harm, other than the killing of brain cells, it certainly isn't conducive to getting an education.\nThe question about coming home wasted troubled me at first, but I know that under-age consumption of alcohol is something nearly every student at IU has done or will do at some point. If I had been the RA, my response would have been, "At least you came home." \nIf you're intoxicated and underage (women especially), the best thing for you to do is come back home to your dorm. While intoxicated, you are vulnerable to the law, to yourself (driving while intoxicated) and to other people who might take advantage of you (rape). \nAs a person who has a general respect for life, I would rather see a student home and safe, albeit "wasted," and not easy prey wandering around campus. But, as a person with a strong moral center, I still have problems with students who act or think similarly to those mentioned above.\nIU is a strong educational institution with a plethora of opportunities and courses in everything from The Beatles to genetic engineering. The money I pay for my education is dear to me, and I hope that I do everything I can to make sure the money is well spent. \nWhy spend upwards of $10,000 on an education here or anywhere if it's going to be jeopardized by illegal activities? As far as I know, one can go out and get messed up, wasted and high without spending so much money.\nWhile I wholeheartedly believe the college experience should include socializing (and drinking, which I'll admit to doing), it shouldn't be the first priority when asking an RA questions about campus and the rules. It is sad to hear the first questions from a new student's mouth focusing on being high and wasted.\nCherish this school and the years you have here. If you take advantage of your opportunities, they're worth every penny you spend.


