


大约三周前,在没有任何预警的情况下,布卢明顿福特(Bloomington Ford)的员工找不到一条免费电话线给客户打电话。\n 8月9日宣布自愿召回Firestone Radial ATX、ATX II和Wilderness AT轮胎,引起了很多关心此事的司机的询问,以至于工作人员被迫使用手机,因为电话涌入业务。“在召回的前五六天里,打来的电话太多了,几乎让我们的总机瘫痪,”布卢明顿福特汽车公司的零部件和服务总监迈克·哈特曼(Mike Hartman)说。“我们不能正常做生意,因为有这么多的问题。”尽管对当地经销商来说,最初的挫折,但他们已经满足了对轮胎和服务的需求,而没有在日常业务上产生非常沉重的负担。哈特曼说,即使每天更换多达120个轮胎,平均每天稳定有10个客户来接受服务,布卢明顿福特仍然能够满足需求。他说,他从远至埃文斯维尔、韦恩堡和路易斯维尔的地方购买轮胎,以维持库存。普利司通/费尔斯通公司开始召回在1991年至2000年生产的福特探险者、野马和突击者等车辆上发现的约650万个轮胎。截至8月26日,650万个轮胎中已有100万个更换。投诉称,有时汽车在高速行驶时,轮胎会脱落。福特汽车公司(ford Motor Co.)允许用非费尔斯通(firestone)品牌的轮胎更换轮胎。对于布卢明顿固特异的经销商来说,这也没有给他们的储备征收太多的税。\n"If we've gained any business from it it's been minimal," said Tom Denk, manager of Bloomington Tire Co., a Goodyear dealer.\nAbout 40 customers have come into Larry Bird Ford in Martinsville to have their tires inspected, said Steve Wheat, service manager. He said although 14 car owners have replacement tires on order, the dealership has been able to keep up to speed with the recall demand by utilizing all employees to do free inspections. \nHartman said four additional workers have been hired since the recall, and employees have been working overtime for three weeks.\nThe impact on Ford Explorer sales in the area has varied. \n"It's the best month I've had this year," said Larry Bird Ford Sales Manager Don Moore. "We haven't noticed any effect whatsoever."\nHartman said although he did not know official sales figures, Explorer sales have decrease slightly. He said he would expect this with any kind of recall.\n"It's somewhat adversely effected Explorer sales, I'm sure," he said


