

年轻后卫肯普·拉斯穆森计划本周末看足球比赛。“是的,这个周末我要去看足球比赛,”拉斯穆森说。“我上周末看了足球比赛。”当然,拉斯穆森宁愿踢足球也不愿连续第二个周末看足球比赛。但是当你的球队在大学橄榄球赛季的第一个正式周末有一个告别周时,就没什么可做的了。拉斯穆森说:“我更愿意打球。”“我期待着比赛日。越早到越好。和其他队友一样,拉斯穆森必须等到9月9日在纪念体育场与北卡罗来纳州立大学的首场比赛。包括与Wolfpack的比赛在内,IU今年秋天连续11个周末比赛。与1999年不同的是,这个赛季没有休息周。“我很高兴我们多出了一周的准备时间,”少年四分卫安特万·兰德尔·艾尔说。 "The way we have it scheduled we can look at some things and get some stuff taken care of before the first game. We aren't going to start focusing on North Carolina State until Sunday of the actual game week."\nNot playing the first weekend has its advantages and disadvantages for the Hoosiers. \nThe extra week gives the defense more time to work and learn new defensive coordinators James Bell's system. \n"We still consider this training camp," Rasmussen said. "There's a lot to learn this week. Guys need to be focused and ready to play."\nThe Hoosiers also have an opportunity to watch future opponents play this weekend. Ten of IU's 11 opponents play either Thursday, Saturday or Monday, so the Hoosiers will have an opportunity to get an overview of what future opponents are doing. \n"This weekend is an advantage for us because we got to watch a bunch of different teams play and see what offenses and defenses they run," junior running back Levron Williams said.\nA major disadvantage of not having the bye week during the season is the lack of a week to recover from bumps and bruises in the middle of the season. It's nearly impossible for a team to go through the Big Ten schedule without sustaining any injuries along the way. An extra week of rest during a stretch of conference games is sometimes desperately needed in the Big Ten.\nAlso, starting the season late means there's an extra week to collect opening game nerves.\nLast season, the Hoosiers' bye week was Nov. 6, which was wedged between the Michigan and Minnesota games.\n"That bye week during the year is nice because you have a week to recover," Rasmussen said. "But playing a week later also has its good points. I guess it doesn't matter to me. They both have their good and bad points"




