


一旦街道摊铺机完成,逆听从柯克伍德大道消失,Hoosierfest的工人将开始设置。星期六节日享有邓恩街和印第安纳大道的Kirkwood大道的演唱会和啤酒花园。\ n“我们想推出红地毯并欢迎学生回来,”布卢明顿市中心委员会执行董事Talisha Coppock说。\ nin除了启动学年,这个周末的Hoosierfest将庆祝重新开放Kirkwood到行人和电机交通。\ n“今年特别令人兴奋,因为我们将庆祝重新开放,”节日联合主任Suzanne Phillips说。“业务(在Kirkwood)一直在下降,这将有助于向新的和返回学生介绍商人。”菲利普斯还担任大学学生的助理院长,自1987年开始以来的Hoosierfest工作。\ n主要吸引力将是当地和区域集团的40英尺阶段。标准化节日是饼干,谁将在下午9:30-11David Lowery的裂解器将在Hoosierfest与他的前乐队,露营者von·贝多尼州直接做一场团聚之旅。Karl Denson's Tiny Universe and local group Umphrey's McGee will play from 6:15 - 7:15 p.m.\n"We tried to get a variety of music to please all kinds of people ' it's a little bit of everything," said Dave Kubiak, co-director and local club owner. "It will be pretty cool to be partying in the street."\nThe day will begin at 10 a.m., when the Star of Indiana Mini Grand Prix race will whip around the Monroe County Courthouse. Local businesses will send teams of employees to race 32 cars. Following the race is the 13th Annual Fountain Square Mall Celebration, with family activities such as clowns, magicians, a caricature artist, cookies and punch.\nThe events on Kirkwood open at 2 p.m., with live music beginning at 3 p.m. Admission is free until 4 p.m., and is $5 for the rest of the evening. \nThe musical lineup is: Daniel Cage, 3 - 4 p.m.; Shannon Curfman, 4:30 - 5:45 p.m.; Umphrey's McGee, 6:15 - 7:15 p.m.; Karl Denson's Tiny Universe, 7:45 - 9 p.m.; and Cracker, 9:30 - 11 p.m.




