


参议员理查德卢尔(R-Ind。)和前参议员Sam Nunn(D.-ga.)已被提名为诺贝尔和平奖,以便他们在前苏联阿森纳拆除数千核武器的努力。\ nthe参议员1991年共同赞助立法,拆除苏联分手后拆除核库存,促使爆炸性成就,如毁灭以前针对美国的5000多名弹头。Nunn-Lugar合作威胁减少计划帮助白俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦和乌克兰获得了非核武器地位。纳马尔索,由于南方卢瓦尔倡议和相关方案,从前超级大国提取的核武器的数量高于中国,法国和英国当前的阿森纳,粘土MOLTZ副主任的非脱光研究中心副主任在蒙特雷国际研究所,去年春天的非透明审查。该中心进行了为期两年的研究,研究了Nunn-Lugar和遵循它的计划提示的威胁下降的研究。\ nmoltz表示,由于立法的深远影响,因为它正在接近其10周年,Lugar有“A尤其是获得诺贝尔奖的合理机会。“\ Nlugar的新闻秘书,安迪费舍尔说,Lugar计划仍然致力于不可避免。\ n”他的反应一直是我们只是第一次完成的,“他说。“就核弹头的5,000而言,已经停用了。还有另外四到五千来。”\ Nnunn说他还认为这个问题是一个最重要的问题。\ n“核,生物和化学武器的扩散是世界上的一个安全挑战,”纳尼恩周一在一份声明中说。“我希望我们的提名可能会在这个重要问题上阐明额外的光线。”\ Nnunn和Lugar经常与俄罗斯人相遇,因为分手发生了,并且有机会做一些关于潜在威胁的事情,包括武器落入恐怖分子的可能性 hands, Fisher said. \nThe program includes providing financial assistance to countries to remove weapons and sending American contractors oversees to complete the work, Fisher said. He said parts from the weapons are sold back to the United States to be made into products such as baseball bats and bicycle frames.\nMoltz said this assistance has placed very little burden on taxpayers. Fisher said the yearly budget of about $400 million a year accounts for two-tenths of 1 percent of the military budget.\nThe winner will be announced after the vote in October, according to the Nobel Foundation's Web site. The peace prize will be awarded Dec. 10 in Oslo, Norway.\nThe Institute announced the nominations Sunday. William Potter, director of the Institute's nonproliferation center; David Hamburg, president emeritus of the Carnegie Corporation of New York; and Rolf Ekeus, Swedish ambassador to the United States and former executive chairman of the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq, collectively nominated the two senators.\nMoltz said the accomplishments of this legislation have been instrumental in minimizing the threats posed by the weapons supply left over from the Soviet Union's collapse.\n"I think it's made probably the single largest contribution to promoting nuclear safety in the former Soviet Union," he said. "I think it's fairly clear that we would be facing much worse nuclear threats in the former Soviet Union without this program"


