

周二晚上的胡桃音乐节(The jamin ' On Walnut)正如人们所期待的那样:整晚都在演奏,甚至更多。该活动包括地方和地区乐队在三个不同的地点表演:Axis, 419 S. Walnut,蓝鸟,216 N. Walnut,和Kilroy的体育,319 N. Walnut。当天晚上9点30分,晚会在基尔罗伊餐厅有了一个令人印象深刻的开始,迷人的团体Dale和Moe Z.他们的不同音乐才能让渴望聚会的年轻观众兴奋了一个多小时。虽然这很有趣,但派对才刚刚开始。在“蓝鸟”舞厅,丹吉尔·威尔·罗宾逊的表演开始得有点慢,但没过多久,舞池里就挤满了人。受欢迎的当地团体Danagas是下一个议程。丹那加斯可以说是布卢明顿最受欢迎的乐队,他们似乎完美地融合了摇滚、嘻哈、放克、节奏和布鲁斯,一如既往地迷人。那里的大多数人都是这个组合的忠实粉丝。“这就是所谓的伟大的音乐。我无论如何也不会错过他们,”印第安纳大学的毕业生、前IDS编辑瑞安·科尔曼(Ryan Coleman)说。他专门开车来到布鲁明顿参加这次活动。当蓝鸟的事情升温时,真正吸引人的是新装修的Axis(以前是Mars)。 While the grand opening is not until Thursday, hundreds of thrill seekers got a taste Tuesday night of what it has to offer. This was undoubtedly the most crowded club of the three.\n"I thought people in Europe knew how to party, but it doesn\'t get better than this," said Theodoros Sophocleous, a native of Greece and an associate's degree student.\nThings continued this way until almost 2:30 a.m. Even though the music ended then, the party did not. People had to be urged to leave.\n"The musicians I spoke to were very happy about the reception they received. Things definitely exceeded expectations for me," said Dave Kubiak, general manager of Axis and the Bluebird.\nWhile the next Jammin' On Walnut concert isn't until November, Tuesday night gave people a lot to talk about, including a preview of the multi-talented bands playing in Bloomington for the rest of the year.




