

拉什 - 博爱招聘过程 - 将于本周末从下午5-7开始,开球事件周五邓恩草甸。\ nSenior凯文Gfell,为Interfraternity安理会仓促副总裁,鼓励男人谁是感兴趣或好奇的是希腊生活,参加开球事件。男人会从每个校园26次社会联谊会的机会,迎接和欢迎的成员。\ n“拉什在IU是很正规,我们的目标是帮助rushees得到他们的脚在门口,” Gfell说。\ n在出席开球,男子在冲仍然有兴趣,鼓励参加旅行团的房子。男人会聚集在上午10:30周六伍德朗场,和旅游将是上午11时至下午3时周六下午12-4周日\ nGfell说房子之旅将从章不同章节,但rushees应计划花费大约在每章15分钟。房子之旅一般包括会议成员,听到博爱的独特气质,如慈善事业和校内体育活动。\ NAS鼓励男性参加所有章节旅游,Gfell说,IFC将抽签的断五个$ 100份奖学金给那些谁参加每一个房子\ nBeginning周一,章节开始呼吁男人自己感兴趣的招聘谁。Rushees也可以采取主动,他们有兴趣。Gfell说,一些房屋可能已经为秋季学期全质押类接触的房子,而其他人将目光竞价扩大到30分或更多的人。投标一般由九月底延长。\ n“我们想请过来,让他们能够看到我们如何互动,伙计们”初级布雷特Satkamp,台达埃普西隆抢主席。 "When guys come over, they see the bonds and brotherhood in our house."\nSatkamp said Delta Upsilon does not try to meet any quota when extending bids to potential members.\n"We'll take as many or as few guys as we want," he said. "We look for quality."\nSophomore Adam Diamond, a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi, agrees that compatibility is the most important factor to consider when deciding which house to join.\n"I looked at a few different houses during rush, but in the end I chose AEPi because I just felt like I'd fit in really well with the guys," Diamond said.\nGfell said although greek life is not for everyone, everyone should definitely take the time to explore it as an option.\nJunior Brad Patterson, vice president of campus relations for IFC, said he agrees that greek life is a great way to get involved on campus.\n"Greek life can serve as a great gateway to large organizational opportunities, such as an exciting social life, community service, collective study efforts," Patterson said. "Most importantly it's a way to meet people and make a lot of great friends"


