


童子军通常很乐意接受社区服务的优点奖。但是,六个前男孩童子军周一偏离他们赚到童子军的优秀徽章抗议。\纳隆与布卢明顿团结者和女同性恋和同性恋者的父母和朋友,前男孩侦察队从街对面定位了自己Hoosier Trails委员会办事处抗议部队领导者不能成为同性恋的政策。\ n“性取向没有承受成为一个良好的部队领导者,”前鹰侦察迈克威尔逊说。童子军领导人的性取向成为一个问题七月在法庭案件中,美国童子军的童子军六。詹姆斯戴尔。最高法院裁定了男童侦察兵是一个私人协会,并有权因为他的性取向而有权利。\ nthe Bloomington抗议通过侦察所有人组织的国家围绕国家组织了39个其他抗议活动。\ n抗议开始六名前童子军返回奖项。然后将该计划转向了几位发言者,包括同性恋前男童童子军的母亲:别人普通主义教会的皇家·芭芭拉卡尔森,Pflag总统佛罗里达州罗斯·福克斯·本杰明沃克。\牛校友协会副总裁兼首席通信官朱迪施罗德阅读她的儿子托尼韦恩斯坦的声明;“如果童子军将同性恋者视为领导者,他们将学会不害怕那些性取向与自己不同的人。”\ nweinstein也指出,在道德上是直接的男孩侦察承诺的决定,一个人不需要是异性恋。\ ncarlson在她的会众中记得一个男孩侦察兵的一份声明。\ n“男孩童子军协会正在与自己相矛盾 laws," Carlson recounted. "The Boy Scout handbook advises the scout to respect the rights of others different from themselves."\nThe protest even attracted a few counter-protesters. Jim Billingsley wore a T-shirt with a picture of the crucifixion and carrying a poster that read, "There is nothing moral about sin."\n"I wanted to come out and support (the Boy Scouts of America)," said Billingsley, "and the standard they hold their troop leaders to." \nBillingsley believes the Boy Scouts of America are "concerned about leaders that would promote a an immoral lifestyle."\nSchroeder dismissed the idea that homosexual leaders would impose their lifestyle on scouts. \n"People believe mistakenly that gays 'recruit,'" said Schroeder, "when in fact we recruit our children to heterosexuality."\nThe Hoosier Trails Council defended its position in a press release.\n"We believe an avowed homosexual is not a role model for values espoused in the Scout Oath and Law," said the press release. "Boy Scouting makes no effort to discover the sexual orientation of any person. Scouting's message is compromised when prospective leaders present themselves as role models inconsistent with Boy Scouting's understanding of the Scout Oath and Law."\nThe protest ended with the symbolic hanging of a rope that had six pieces of colored rope tied on it, one for each former scout that gave up his awards, on the door of the Hoosier Trails Council office. Walker tied the final knot in the rope to make it a circle and hung it on the door.\n"Scouting was a very positive experience," said 18-year-old Walker. "It would be a shame if everyone could not have it."\n"The Supreme Court vote of 5-4 asserted what we already know," said protest organizer John Clower "But they did not grapple with the issue at hand." \nClower said he believed the main issue is really the allotment of public funds to an organization that is permitted to discriminate against certain groups.\nAssistant College of Arts and Sciences Dean Steve Sanders said he believes "it is wholly inappropriate for the United Way to continue funding of this organization."\nBarry Lessow, president of the board for the United Way said, "(The United Way is) working on a non-discriminatory policy that will govern our relationships with different agencies." \nThe United Way receives two types of donations. Donors can either specify the organization they want their money to go to or simply donate the money to something the United Way calls the allotment pool. The Boy Scouts receive $23,000 a year from the United Way, about 2 percent of the United Way budget.\nHoosier Trails Council said in a press release that it will continue to defend its membership standards.\n"We respect other people's right to hold differing opinions and ask that they respect ours," said the press release.


