

俄罗斯核罐车沉没在上周,成本118人的生命,他们的生活不仅仅是泰坦尼克类比例的悲剧。在这种情况下,旧的苏联思维方式统治了政府官员的行为。\ n 8月21日华盛顿邮政报告潜艇库斯克8月12日在巴伦海上沉没了324英尺。但俄罗斯海军保留了新闻这篇文章说,军队对俄罗斯人说的任何一半半。\ neven当海军发布宣布时,华盛顿邮政于8月19日举行了宣布,其信息是不准确的。例如,报告称,潜艇已将“下降”到海上,但地面船只为船员提供氧气和电力的电力。帖子说。后来,出现的信息说,子已经坠入海底,既不交付氧气也不发布。\ nmore矛盾在路上。上周,海军指挥官表示,该船员在8月19日邮政文章的数据下,直到上周五才能生存。第二天,他说氧气将持续到8月25日。此后不久,副职员的副职员改变了,并且称氧气就足够了两到三周,据报道。官员和海军都不提供了对不同结论的解释。此外,他们表示,潜艇与外国油轮坠毁,但没有证据表明他们的索赔。\ nmilition secrecy是什么新的,但缺乏信誉可以追溯到苏联的保密传统。 Admirals and other officials grew up under the old system of authoritarianism where accidents were kept quiet and questioning the government was a punishable crime, the Washington Post reported Aug. 19. In a democracy where the rights of the press are aggressively protected, the rules are different. \nAccording to the Post, news of the sunken tanker splashed across newspaper headlines throughout the country and led TV news broadcasts. The Russian media quickly questioned the government's information and the efficiency of the rescue attempt. Russia did not seek international help until the situation's urgency became obvious. Overwhelmingly, the Russian press dogged the navy and government for their dawdling. \nAccording to a poll in the Post, the consensus among the Russians became clear: If the government had given accurate information and sought help more quickly, the crisis could have been averted. Norwegians succeeded in opening the escape hatch, a vital part of the investigation, though Russians insisted it couldn't be done. In fact, the Norwegians succeeded in less than two days to accomplish what the Russians couldn't do in a week, further undermining Russian confidence in their navy. \nAnger towards the government continues, but it seems democracy is taking hold again. Russian President Vladimir Putin is listening and acting for the benefit of the Russians affected, the Washington Post reported Aug. 21. \nHe has been fiercely criticized and is being blamed for not acting quickly enough, especially for continuing his vacation while the crisis worsened. It's not expected to make a deep dent in his popularity, but Putin ' who is known for being sensitive to public opinion ' is working to ease the situation as best he can. \nHe's defended the government's actions, but also returned to Moscow and is offering help to the families, the Post reported. Throughout the crisis, he gave broadcast reports to the Russians keeping them abreast of the news. \nDespite the government's latest efforts, Russians are finding it comes too late. Now, the mourning process begins and the Russian people are left without their countrymen and faith in their government.


