

没有什么比新学期的开始更能阻碍健康饮食的了。最好的意图很容易被权宜之计所压倒。同样地,当每天晚上的阅读清单超过200页时,专注于麸的好处的能力就会蒸发。但还是有一线希望的,在农产品货架上,有一个装在可重复密封的塑料袋里。这是一种经过清洗和加工的菠菜,是超市里保存得最好的快餐秘方之一。如果方便是保持营养饮食的关键,那么菠菜就是第三道门背后的解决方案。全年都可以用包装好的袋子买到,可以在冰箱里保存一周。选择丰满的,深绿色的袋子,没有枯萎,脆,黄边缘或苗条的迹象。大力水手拿菠菜的时候是对的。它富含抗氧化剂-胡萝卜素,是植物钙和维生素c的良好来源。它的热量也很低,每袋装杯只有40卡路里。虽然我不赞成大力水手喜欢吃罐装菠菜,但冷冻菠菜(无论是全叶的还是切碎的)是一个很好的省钱选择。如果你特别着急,从袋子里抓一把菠菜叶,撒上调味品,不加任何装饰就吃是完全可以接受的。想要避免从零开始做饭的人可以在煮好的汤里加入撕碎的菠菜叶来增加健康; it adds only a minute of wilting time to the preparation, but delivers a bolt of fresh flavor. \nI like to saute a handful of leaves in a dab of olive oil, then scramble in a couple of eggs and a pinch of dill. This is one of my weeknight staples and takes three to four minutes to prepare.\nIf you eat a lot of pasta, you might want to expend 30 seconds of your time to enrich its healthfulness with spinach. During the final 30 seconds of pasta cooking time, add one or more handfuls of torn spinach leaves to the cooking water. Drain the pasta, and then toss with enough pasta sauce of your choice to coat. \nFor these still-warm evenings, I suggest combining the drained pasta and spinach with the juice and grated zest of one lemon. If you have fresh or dried basil leaves, add enough to suit your taste. Generously season the concoction with salt and pepper to taste, and finish with a smattering of Parmesan or goat cheese. Call it Pasta Florentine ("with spinach") to impress yourself and others.\nThere are few people on this campus or elsewhere who do not enjoy a good casserole. My spinach-rice option is comforting on the best of days, consoling on the worst. It goes well with many things but is equally satisfying on its own. The same can be said for the spinach-strawberry salad, except it is more of a final celebration of summer\'s offerings than a soothing dish. Both are chock-full of enough spinach to keep you strong to the finish of the day's end, if not the semester.\n菠菜,草莓SUMMER'S END SALAD\ N1 10盎司包清洗,洗涤婴儿菠菜叶\ N1 1/2杯切片新鲜草莓\ N1小红洋葱,切成非常薄的切片,分离成环\ N1 / 4杯切碎新鲜香菜叶\ N 2/3杯烤,腌制,粗碎腰果(可选)\ n张地点菠菜,草莓,洋葱和中碗香菜;折腾结合。洒上孜然敷料沙拉;轻轻地折腾结合。赛季盐和胡椒调味,撒上腰果。\ n孜然调味酱\ n在有盖容器,结合2汤匙橙汁,2份汤匙醋,3汤匙色拉油,1茶匙蒜末,1茶匙孜然和1/2茶匙糖;盖和大力摇晃结合。\ nPreheat烤箱至350度。轻轻黄油或不粘喷雾喷2夸脱砂锅。在一个大的平底锅,熔体在适度低的热黄油和在剩余的成分搅拌。盐和胡椒调味。传播混合物砂锅。在一个大平底锅或盘设置砂锅;填充足够的热水的大锅到达半山腰砂锅的侧面。烤箱,烤45〜55分钟一次,或直到凝固。\ n菠菜饭COMFORT砂锅n2汤匙黄油或人造奶油3杯煮过的白米饭或糙米4个大鸡蛋轻打n1杯牛奶12盎司包装的意大利混合碎奶酪(其他奶酪,包括切达干酪,瑞士干酪或低脂奶酪也可以使用)n1 10盎司包装的冷冻切碎的菠菜,解冻并沥干1/2杯切碎的洋葱4大瓣大蒜,n1汤匙意大利香草调味酱(可选)


