

在春天的成功“环境”议会上,春天的议会议会和反对鹿园建造的不成功抗议活动,恐怖分子群命名为ELF(地球解放前线),通过攻击成员认为在梦露湖坐在莫雷湖的财产举动了丑陋的头部流域。默沃县委员会副总统布莱恩奥尼尔如陈旧委员会似乎惊讶。\ n蒙古县民主党不应该感到惊讶。当你建造一个习惯的房间的外屋时,你会吸引苍蝇。而修辞本地民主党一直吐出,就像那些苍蝇的警报歌曲。我们没有从民主党人和当地的环境“活动家”人群中没有看到的,这是对民主党守护者批准的发展批评。例如,距离校园不远,是鹿园。开发商迈克尔菲茨杰拉德已与民主党人联系在一起,包括城市议员杰弗里威尔西。只有那样,我们只看到了一个基于垃圾科学的候选人的候选人民主党。除了更高的税收和丑体规定,他们没有经济政策。(猜猜谁给了你1.6加仑 - 一冲水厕所,被称为“双冲洗”厕所?克林顿 - 戈尔的EPA。根据华盛顿时报,在弗吉尼亚州的黑色市场蓬勃发展,1.6加仑厕所被称为“格洛特。”)\ nenvironmentalists的真实,诚实的环保主义者,而不是极端主义类型'已经知道这一点。\ nmore超过25年前,绿色和平成立于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的一个统一教堂的地下室。 One of many founders was Patrick Moore, Ph.D. Moore, an environmentalist to this day, now regrets his involvement with the career activists. His words five years ago ' on the Web site of the Heartland Institute, www.heartlandinstitute.com ' seem eerily prophetic of acts of violence we have seen from ELF. \nMoore wrote, "… eco-extremists tend to be \n• "Anti-technology and anti-science. (They) entirely reject machinery and industry; they invoke science as a means of justifying the adoption of beliefs that have no basis in science to begin with.\n• "Anti-free enterprise. … (They) are basically anti-business. They have not put forward an alternative system of organization that would meet the material needs of society.\n• "Anti-democratic. Eco-extremists do not tolerate dissent and do not respect the opinions and beliefs of the general public …"\nMoore wrote that the political legislation eco-crusaders would offer is the most dangerous element of their extremism: "In the name of 'speaking for the trees and other species,' we are faced with a movement that would usher in an era of eco-fascism." \nUnfortunately for Monroe County citizens, the Democrats are trying to stack county government, which they already control, with the same kind of politicians who run the city council ' types that decried the construction of a local Wal-Mart and oppose the construction of Interstate 69. \nSince the Democrats already control the city and county government, expect the local business community to suffer. Expect Monroe County's economic reputation as a place to do business to worsen. \nAnd it won't just be the job market that suffers under this leadership. Indeed, the Democrats, who screamed loudly in 1995 about affordable housing, now want to make it less affordable. \nOne Democrat, Scott Wells, appearing on 1370 AM, WGCL July 31, proposed increasing the cable franchise fee from 3 percent to 5 percent; county building fees from 10 cents a square foot to 16 cents a square foot; and proposed a brand new 10 cent per square foot "rainwater tax." He said this would pay for development "up front," but what it would do is pass on the costs of housing to consumers, driving up rent and mortgages.\nWhile such facts are always inconvenient to these politicians, they won't get in the way of their political quests. IU students wondering if they should register to vote here need to seriously consider these facts. Lower rents may depend upon it.


