

作为欢迎周的一部分,特征曼大厅举办了一场由印第安纳州马里昂的极限摔跤联合会(EWF)举办的活动,以及让EWF的成员表演,还有一个免费的烧烤,有汉堡包、热狗和雪糕。纳布杜尔·哈利姆·杨是本杰曼学院的一名高级学生助理,他说:“对学生来说,这绝对是一个向学生展示本杰曼学院不仅仅是学术机构的机会。”这个节目在伊本曼后面的网球场上进行,大约在晚上八点半开始。它吸引了大约200名伊本曼居民。“我们这样做的部分原因是为了让学生们知道这是多么令人兴奋,”本杰曼校长、大四学生迪特里希·威尔克(Dietrich Willke)说。Eigenmann被描绘成研究生。我们试图展示我们是有趣的,我们有很多项目,比如这个大型项目。”虽然这次活动改变了伊本曼的节奏,但这是他们第一次在印第安纳大学表演,他们很少在大学观众面前表演。“我们走遍了美国;这是一个很好的机会来到布卢明顿,并向大学的学生展示我们的成果,希望我们可以回来,并定期这样做,”推广人杰森·梅普尔斯说。这两名摔跤手表示,有机会打破常规,在布卢明顿向不同的观众展示自己的才能,他们感到非常兴奋。\n“我很高兴来到这里... . It's good to get into another town and show what we can do," said Robbie Drake of Clinton, Ill., who wrestles as "Jack Hammer."\n Joseph Thacker of Houston, also known as "Eden," said, "We usually have a lot of kids come and watch us. This is an older audience so we don't have to be PG-13." \n In total, five bouts were fought. The fighting was not just in the 16-foot-by-16-foot ring that ECW brought with it. The wrestlers used steel chairs, Target shopping carts and assortment of other weapons. \n One of the matches degenerated to such an extent that a wrester was thrown off the top of a staircase that provided access to the tennis courts from Eigenmann. It was about a 12-inch drop.\n IU Student Association Senator and Collins Center resident, junior Jeramy Foltz was the sole IU student that actually got in the ring and fought in the main event. His wrestling character is "Johnny Law" and he tours with ECW on a regular basis.


