

鲍勃骑士看起来很累。\ nfriday,正如国家媒体群在布卢明顿下降的那样,教练靠在集装大厅办公室的墙上。\ nhis蓝色牛仔裤短裤,网球鞋和休闲衬衫证明了最新事件的意外地击中他。也许他应该期待这一点。\ n骑士从IDS谈论我们三个人,也许努力重新建立多年来一直被动荡的关系。他提到了一些员工编辑和冲突,但很难关注。我看到了红眼睛听到了叹息,我知道他无法在新政策下生存。\ nknight告诉我们,他以常规方式处理了这一事件,然后在他的余下的一天中没有思考那些最终帮助他被解雇的新生。\ nsitting来自“一般”是我永远不会忘记。看到印第安纳州最着名的居民坐在五英尺外,是一个名人的神经包裹刷。\ ni在ind,ind,我期待着与我的爸爸一起去布卢明顿的年度旅行,看看火山窗。它比大学招聘人员的部落更有说服力。\ nmy童年英雄是篮球运动员,如史蒂夫阿尔福德,奥兰·亨德森,艾伦·亨德森,在他转移之前的那段时间,杰伊爱德华兹。\ n第一个生动的内存我坐在我的地下室在1987年,看着基思智能水槽是基线跑步者向我们发送过去的奥兰德·奥兰森,74-73。 I jumped out my chair and rolled on the floor screaming. \nBut like most IU fans, my feelings for Knight will forever be mixed. I was in a New York restaurant on spring break, watching Pepperdine blow us out, when I finally realized I would never see us win a championship while I was at IU. \nIt seems a shame this incident would end Knight's IU career. It was hardly a black and white situation, with Knight and freshman Kent Harvey singing different tunes. Or in Knight's case, drawing it on a blackboard.\nIU President Myles Brand said the Harvey incident was the straw that broke the camel's back.\nBrand called it the toughest decision of his life. It should have been, having to fire a legend ' the most famous and infamous basketball coach in America. And if Knight verbally harassed a high-ranking University official and was insubordinate to Brand and Athletics Director Clarence Doninger, there was no other choice he could have made.\nBrand gave him a fair chance, but Knight couldn't change. He's an old-school coach with old-school values, and people would have continued to bait him. It didn't have to be a freshman picking up football tickets. \nI hope people won't blame this on Harvey, when Knight knew the rules he had to operate with, but I feel another Murray Sperber situation on the horizon. \nAs students rally and Bloomington police put on riot gear, I wish this could've ended in a better way. Like with Knight and the Hoosiers winning their sixth championship. \nInstead, we'll have to settle with an Indianapolis press conference and a fishing trip to Canada. \nAnd the firetrucks outside the Indiana Memorial Union and Bryan House.\nI'm just glad I got a chance to talk with him, before he left us forever. But I'm not sure that'll help me sleep tonight.


