


随着第一周的课程接近尾声,你还没有体验到大学生活的全部。是的,你来这里是为了接受教育,但一分钟也不要认为你学到的唯一重要的课程将来自课堂。希望你在印第安纳大学的课堂经历将是真正有益的,但要完成大学学业,你需要在课堂内外都投入自己的精力。最好的方法之一就是加入学生团体。当然,作为工会主席,我希望你能加入工会。作为校园里最大的学生编程委员会,我们可以提供很多东西。该组织由13个委员会组成,计划各种活动,从音乐会,比如去年春天轰动布卢明顿的红辣椒乐队(Red Hot Chili Peppers) /喷火战斗机乐队(Foo Fighters)的演出,到讲座,比如米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)的演讲。我们还计划每周五和周六在印第安纳州纪念联盟举办印第安纳大学晚间活动,并在惠滕伯格礼堂协调每周的电影系列。加入联合委员会有很多原因,但校园里其他500个左右的学生团体也是如此。从阿富汗学生委员会到Zeta Tau Alpha姐妹会,我们校园里有一个组织非常希望你成为其中一员。加入学生团体的好处是很多的。 It is a great way to make friends and impress future employers. And it can be so much fun. \nIt can be a daunting task to find an organization to join, one that will be the right fit for you. So Union Board sponsors WelcomeFest, which will occur Wednesday. More than 125 student groups will be represented. Each organization will have a table with information, and it will be a great chance to meet members of various student groups. It takes place from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the circle drive of the IMU. I guarantee you'll be well received by the leaders of the various groups, and you will be one step closer to finding your niche on campus. \nUnion Board will hold our mass membership meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Frangipani Room of the IMU. As with many other student groups, attending our mass meeting is a great way to begin your involvement with Union Board. At the mass meeting you will get to meet the committee directors and find out what we are all about.\nWhen I graduate from IU with a degree in history, I will have had many memorable moments. Almost all of them occurred through my involvement in Union Board. I recall feeling pride when my organization was responsible for John Mellencamp's Little 500 concert during my sophomore year and the fun I had the first weekends of IU Late Night hanging out with friends I had made as a Union Board committee member. I look with anticipation to my final year of participation in the organization that has defined my college experience. \nAll of these memories occurred because of a suggestion from my brother, an IU graduate who found his niche as a writer for the IDS, to try Union Board and see what it was all about. Little did he know what an impact that suggestion would have on my next four years in Bloomington. I know my words will not resonate as if they were coming from your brother, but that doesn't make them less true. I'll see you at WelcomeFest.


