


IU的男子篮球队和橄榄球队吸引了来自地方和国家媒体最关注和重点。但是,它是人的足球队就是我们的大学体育的巅峰之作。\ n我们不建议1973年,该计划开始以来,主教练杰里·耶格利导致男子足球队以惊人478-83-37所有时间标记,好一个0.83的胜率。由于球队成立以来,印第安纳州赢得更多的NCAA锦标赛(5个)和去更多的最终四强(13)比全国任何程序。\ n对于过去的两个赛季,球迷已经有幸见证背TO-回NCAA冠军。我们不欣赏它足够的。\ n学生,教师,布卢明顿的居民和校友需要认识到他们是一些特别的东西“的IU传统的一部分。当然,足球是一个主要低分的运动,但这并不意味着它不能是令人兴奋的。\ n男足已经成为强大的男子篮球和向上和未来的足球节目中丢失的运动。它不应该。球队有获胜的传统,谁经常来上欢呼印第安纳球迷一般都热衷于游戏。在乐队演奏中抽了起来,从关俯卧撑计数的人群“为拿下全心全意发射到每一个印第安纳州赢得时间皇后‘另一位叮咬灰尘’每一个目标了很大的作用。 \nThe Hoosiers will play at Bill Armstrong Stadium 10 times this season, most times in front of an enthusiastic but small crowd. Even though IU students can attend regular season games for free with their student IDs, most don't.\nWhile soccer remains the most-watched and most-played sport in the world, it just can't seem to catch on in popularity at IU. Students need to support their national championship-winning soccer program, just as they support the men's basketball and football teams. Fans should tailgate, alumni should return and students should cheer. \nWhat more does the program need to accomplish to garner star treatment from students?\nIU has won eight Big Ten Championships since 1991. Every four-year men's soccer player has advanced to the Final Four and has been in a position to win a national championship. The team has great statistics behind it, and most likely, many more records in front of it. All it needs now is more fan support.


