

休斯敦,我们有麻烦了。“\ n百万现今的员工将有比他们将收到来自社会安全号码等退休后的收入。今天的工人知道他们必须储蓄和投资超过他们的父母没有来维持后同样的生活标准退休。\ n但副总统戈尔告诉纽约时报,“我说,如果不破,不解决它。撑住它,我们总有办法。“\回报nSocial安全的利率已经达到了一个非常低的水平。我们需要一个总统候选人足够的勇气来解决周边社会保障制度改革的棘手问题。\ n帮助是在路上。得克萨斯州州长乔治·W·布什的未来。布什宣称,“在二十年一个勇敢的计划目前根本是不够的年轻工人支付由老得的福利。如果我们什么也不做,以改革体制,2037年将是金融崩溃的时刻。该系统将资不抵债......要求无论是在利益巨大切口或税收大幅增加。“\ nBush对社会保障的改革\ nModernization计划必须包括单独控制,自愿个人退休账户,这将增加社会保障安全网。这些帐户将获得更高的回报率,具有安全性和稳健性,并能对自己的孩子被传递帮助员工积累财富的参数。\ n•现代化不能改变现有的退休人员或临近退休福利。\ n•为社会保障盈余必须锁起来的社会保障只。\ n•社会保障工资税不能增加。\ n•为政府绝不能在股市投资的社会保障基金,这是你个人的选择,你是否选择投资自己的钱在股市。\ n•现代化必须保留残疾和遗属组成部分。\ n我们在道义上有义务向退休福利的每一分钱来支付退休人员的电流秒。\ nBush的计划给了我们这一代和我们的父母一代更好的选择。随着布什总统,你将有一个私人的,安全的和多元化投资股票的钱的一小百分之的选项。\ NEVEN领先民主党与布什同意。 Louisiana Sen. John Breaux told the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, "I believe we have moved the debate past the argument of whether there should be private investment to how private investment should be done."\nNebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey said, "So, done in the correct way, individual accounts can be enormously progressive and very, very helpful, especially for low-income workers, in accumulating their share of the American dream."\nAs college students, perhaps Gore should explain to us why he has opposed bipartisan efforts to reform Social Security, which will guarantee retirement benefits for our generation. Under the Gore approach, our future families will face a bankrupt Social Security system and massive tax increases.\nWhat is Gore's idea for Social Security reform? In May he called Bush's plan "stock-market roulette." In June, attempting to follow Bush's lead in the polls, Gore proposed "investing tax dollars in the stock market to secure people's retirement."\n"How many times will Al Gore change?" Bush asked. "He has an ever-changing Social Security vision. First, he wanted government to manage portfolios, then he said any investment in markets was unbelievably risky, now it's changed again. He must have taken a poll or a focus group. \n"The first objective should be to save and reform Social Security. I have a plan to do that. Al Gore has changed again," Bush added.\nGore should come out and tell us his real plan: Every American works until age 90 because the Social Security check they were counting on for retirement is never going to come. \nGive me a break!\nWho do you want spending your money? It is going to be either you or the government. Bush trusts you to spend your own money through investing in your future.\nAs a student at one of the best universities in the country, I know a good deal when I see one. \nI cannot rely on this failing system for my retirement - even my parents can't count on receiving their social security checks.\nIt is time for a change. Bush's plan finally tackles the tough issue of reforming our failing Social Security system.


