


牛。上周在印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳大学的高年级学生特雷西·波特(Tracy Porter)描述了NFL联合队,在那里,前印地安人青年队詹姆斯·哈迪(James Hardy)、高年级学生蒂姆·布格(Tim Bugg)和波特为所有32支NFL球队进行了训练。非周三下午,在约翰梅伦坎普馆,波特,哈迪和布格-与其他九名前国际联盟足球运动员-在国际联盟的职业日期间,希望打动NFL球探和辛辛那提虎队主教练马文刘易斯。只是这一次,是在队友和教练面前——波特说他更喜欢这种气氛。“联合收割机就像一场牛展,”波特说。“你有150个防守后卫。但在这里,男性的数量是有限的。这绝对是一种更平静的气氛,因为教练们在和你一起工作——你可以在这里一对一地体验。虽然对波特来说,职业日是一个与各种球探一对一工作的机会,但对哈迪来说,这是一个纠正他所说的垂直飞跃中的糟糕标记的机会。在收割机上,哈迪纵身一跃,纵身一跃31.5英寸,这一成绩在接球运动员中并不在前10名之列。周三,他将自己的记录提高到37英寸,这将使他进入前四名。哈代说:“在联合收割机上割草的时候,我浑身酸痛,浑身僵硬。”“我这辈子从来没有跳过低于36的,所以我说我一定要出来,再跳一次。”\nHardy, who set records at IU this past season for touchdowns, receptions and yards, said scouts have been impressed with his workouts. \n“They see great potential,” Hardy said. “They see things I need to work on at the same time; overall they think I could be a great target. I want to be the best at this position and now is going to be my shot to go out there and work \nwith professionals.”\nAs for Bugg, he said there’s not much left he can do to improve his draft stock. If a team needs a long snapper, he has a good chance at being taken, \nhe said.\nBugg said because NFL teams draft on needs, he tries not to pay attention to his draft status, or mock drafts.\n “For me especially, it’s all going to depend on timing and if anyone needs a long snapper,” Bugg said. “So I try not to pay attention to that stuff. Sometimes it’s hard not to, especially in my position, everyone saying I’m the best and I don’t know if I am or not. All I know is what I’ve been doing, and I feel good about that.”\nThroughout every workout, several current members of the IU football team and all of the coaches looked on in support of their teammates or players. Looking on like a proud father in the background of the workouts was IU coach Bill Lynch, who said he likes to see high school recruits in person, as do NFL scouts.\n“They’re investing a lot of money in these guys, so they do their homework,” Lynch said. “I know they spend hours watching game tape, it’s a combination of all those things, but there’s nothing like watching them \nfirst hand.”




